Friday, April 8, 2011

Happiness and Joy

Why We Need to Know About Happiness and Joy

Some of my friends have been talking about being depressed lately. We all have plenty of issues in our lives to be discouraged and/or depressed about, but one thing that usually helps me pick myself out of the dumps is to concentrate on things that bring just the opposite effects: joy and happiness. Now, don't start thinking this post is going to be like the song "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music. I think I'll let everyone make a list like that for themselves. :p Instead, I've decided to look a little further into joy and happiness. What exactly are these feelings, and how do they differ from each other? Well, this is what I have found out.

To begin to understand the differences between joy and happiness, you first must know the definitions for each of them. Happiness is a state of contentment or pleasure based on good circumstances. Merriam-Webster defines it as "a state of well-being or contentment", or "a pleasurable or satisfying experience". It's a feeling that you get when you experience good fortune in your life, but it's only a temporary emotion. Happiness doesn't last for every second of your entire life. It is found only in some moments of pleasure in life and is based on outside circumstances.

Joy is an intense emotion associated with delight and pleasure. It's defined by Merriam-Webster as "a source or cause of delight". This is a feeling that starts from within us and spills over into our countenances and behaviors, a lot of the time causing happiness. Joy lasts much longer than the fleeting feeling of happiness, a lot of times remaining for the rest of your life. It's much deeper and is not dependent on outside circumstances.

The Difference Between Joy and Happiness

So, what's the difference between happiness and joy? The main ones are their differences in longevity and causes. Happiness can be experienced from time to time in your life if you are fortunate, but it never lasts for an extended period of time. After a little while, you react to something else that happens in your life and move on to a different emotion. Joy, on the other hand, is always present in your heart once it first appears there. You may not always pay attention to it, but it stays there and can be accessed whenever you choose to concentrate on it.

Happiness is caused by an outside circumstance or instance of fortune. It's an emotion that is started as a reaction to something happening in your life. Joy, in my opinion, is almost always caused by God putting it into your heart. Psalm 4:7 says, "You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound." God is the source of our joy and is able to fill our hearts with it. He has an unlimited amount of joy, so He can give us as much as we ask Him for. 1st Thessalonians tells us to "Be joyful always", God is definitely willing to help us do that if we are willing to seek after it.

Hellen Keller said, "Resolve to be happy and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties." She obviously had plenty of difficulties to overcome in her life, so I trust she knew what she was talking about. If we can truly understand joy and happiness and try to pursue them, we will be much more prepared to face all of the tough situations in our lives. Sometimes depression can't be helped by developing a better outlook on life, but discouragement and sadness almost always can. When God gives us joy, this will be a formidable weapon to fight against all of the dark, unhappy feelings we sometimes get too focused on. Knowing that there is a way out of that dark pit of a bad mood brings a sense of hope to me. Knowing that this way out lies in happiness and especially joy will hopefully bring that same sense of hope to you, too. :)

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